Biotechnology, or “biotech,” is a major sector of the life science industry. This pioneering sector is at the forefront of scientific innovation because it involves the union of biology, engineering, and technology to generate products that cure diseases, improve the environment, combat food insecurity, and make our lives easier and safer. This interdisciplinary branch of science requires the use of cells, which are the foundation of all living things, and whole organisms to make specific biological molecules that positively impact society and help heal our planet.
Learn about some of the ways that biotechnology is saving the world!
Gene therapy
Cell therapy
Molecular diagnostics
Genetically modified food
Reproduction cross-breeding, selective-breeding, and mutation-breeding
Improved yield
Fortification of crops
Animal feed
Pest & drought resistant crops
Plant biotechnology
Marine biotechnology
Biofuels & solvents
Commercial production
Renewable energy
Industrial manufacturing
Biochemical engineer
National Security
Vaccinations against global pandemics
Biological weapons & warfare protection
Energy efficiency technology
Genetics & synthetic engineered pathogens & toxins
DNA analysis & DNA profiling
Genetic fingerprinting
​Computer Science
Computational Biology
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Develop advance technology

Biotechnology Impacts Many Areas that Affect the World

Heal the Planet
Biotechnology can help us to lower our carbon footprint and heal our planet. Imagine being able to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels by flying in planes and driving cars that run exclusively on biofuels. What if the tires from those same cars and planes were no longer made from rubber that comes from trees, but came from dandelions instead? Consider having the ability to significantly reduce our carbon footprint by using bio-concrete to construct our sidewalks and buildings instead of conventional cement, which generates almost 1 pound of carbon dioxide per pound of conventional cement. These dreams are a reality with biotechnology!
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Exonerate the Innocent
Do you dream of a world where innocent people are not sent to jail? Forensic biotechnology can bring justice and closure to families impacted by violent crimes. Forensic biotechnology could put an end to racial injustice and racial profiling of innocent men and women. Advanced science technology could improve the criminal justice system and help families who are suffering to find closure and justice. DNA analysis allows for accurate evidence used to close violent criminal cold cases for families waiting for years to have their loved ones receive justice.
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Detect, Cure, or Treat Diseases
Personalized medicine is no longer a thing of the distant future! Through advances in biotechnology, your doctor can order a series of tests to diagnose your illness and then prescribe a medication that is specific to your disease to either treat the symptoms or cure it completely. With biotechnology advancements, diseases such as cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis, and MS will have the potential to be diagnosed early and cured. A future where this is a reality is within reach! Advances in cell and gene therapy are already curing cancer and other genetic diseases.
Want to learn more?
Tackle World Hunger
& Food Insecurity
Every day 800 million people are categorized as undernourished and most of these people are children. Biotechnology techniques can be used to improve livestock management, enhance food storage and crop longevity, increase the nutrient density of foods, and reduce the dependency on pesticides and fertilizers helping to decrease the number of people experiencing malnutrition.
Want to learn more?

Detect, Cure, or Treat Diseases
Personalized medicine is no longer a thing of the distant future! Through advances in biotechnology, your doctor can order a series of tests to diagnose your illness and then prescribe a medication that is specific to your disease to either treat the symptoms or cure it completely. With biotechnology advancements, diseases such as cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis, and MS will have the potential to be diagnosed early and cured. A future where this is a reality is within reach! Advances in cell and gene therapy are already curing cancer and other genetic diseases.
Want to learn more?
Tackle World Hunger
& Food Insecurity
Every day 800 million people are categorized as undernourished and most of these people are children. Biotechnology techniques can be used to improve livestock management, enhance food storage and crop longevity, increase the nutrient density of foods, and reduce the dependency on pesticides and fertilizers helping to decrease the number of people experiencing malnutrition.
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Detect, Cure, or Treat Diseases
Personalized medicine is no longer a thing of the distant future! Through advances in biotechnology, your doctor can order a series of tests to diagnose your illness and then prescribe a medication that is specific to your disease to either treat the symptoms or cure it completely. With biotechnology advancements, diseases such as cancer, ALS, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis, and MS will have the potential to be diagnosed early and cured. A future where this is a reality is within reach! Advances in cell and gene therapy are already curing cancer and other genetic diseases.
Want to learn more?
Tackle World Hunger
& Food Insecurity
Every day 800 million people are categorized as undernourished and most of these people are children. Biotechnology techniques can be used to improve livestock management, enhance food storage and crop longevity, increase the nutrient density of foods, and reduce the dependency on pesticides and fertilizers helping to decrease the number of people experiencing malnutrition.
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