Become a Member of the Biotech Association!
As an official member, you have the opportunity to unlock exclusive perks and rewards from our Members Benefits Package by building your skills, earning a medal, a certificate for participation, and Biotech swag!

Monkey Pox Virus
Membership Overview

Becoming an Official Member
Becoming an official member is simple! Just fill out the registration form, follow our regular announcements, and attend at minimum of 3 meetings. Once you've reached the third meeting, you'll receive a badge of honor for being an official member and then you can enter to receive member benefits!
Meeting Survey
Our rewards and perks are earned benefits after becoming an official member and one way of doing this is to engage with the Biotech Association by showing you are passionate about learning more from biotech!
Peer Tutoring
As a registered member, you have the exclusive benefit to schedule a session from our peer tutor coordinator who will assist on preparing you to ace your STEM classes. You can connect in-person, Zoom, or Discord. Schedule a meeting today!
Volunteer Opportunity
Coming soon! Our team is working hard to bring more opportunities for SMC students passionate about science and wanting to get a foot in the door. We are working to make our ideas come to life for many student to benefit from so, stay tune for more information once it's available!
Silver Medal
What you could earn!
Badge of honor
Silver medal certificate
A thank you letter from our team
Gold Medal
What you could earn!
Badge of honor
Gold medal certificate
A thank you letter from our team
A letter of gratitude from our advisor
Being a part of extracurricular activities can benefit you in learning from an area of specific interest and when applying to four- year universities or professional positions. Additionally, you can enhance your experience by taking part of activities through the Biotech Association's Members Benefits Package that is designed to improve your skills in scientific writing, unlock perks and prizes, and introduce you to the world of biotechnology. Our Members Benefits Package allows you to grow your resume by boosting your confidence and you can show off your rewards and prizes!
Why Join?

From The National Cancer Institute

Once you have completed the first step to becoming an official member of the Biotech Association, you will have access to exclusive perks and rewards by becoming either a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Medalist through your engagement in activities that are designed to help develop your skills and gain experience .
What You Could Earn
You have the opportunity to be a part of something amazing! The Biotechnology Association offers its members the chance to earn a badge of honor and a medal for participation. Each medal represents your commitment to the Association and comes with a certificate for participating after completion. Enter a pathway that leads to earning a medal from the Biotech Association and do it by improving your skills, applying yourself, and committing to gaining experience!
Bronze Medal

The Bronze medal is the first medal for participation the Biotech Association offers to its official members. Here you'll find all the details of the requirements you need fulfill towards your path to receiving the Bronze medal and what it comes with. Don’t just stop there, continue to participate, and be involved because you can earn a Silver or Gold medal!
Earning a Bronze Medal
Register as member by filling out our membership registration form.
Attend at least 3 meeting to become an official member.
Attend a minimum of 5 meetings and make sure to fill out the Attendance Form that is given towards the end of each meeting.
What You Earn
A badge that indicates you are an official member.
A Bronze medal certificate of participation.
Silver Medal

The Silver medal is the second medal for participation the Biotech Association offers to its official members. Below are all the details of the requirements you need fulfill towards your path to receiving the Silver medal and what it comes with. Don’t just stop there, continue to participate, and be involved because you can earn a Gold medal!
Earning a Silver Medal
Register as member by filling out our membership registration form.
Attend at least 3 meeting to become an official member.
Attend a minimum of 8 meetings and make sure to fill out the Attendance Form that is given towards the end of each meeting.
What You Earn
A badge that indicates you are an official member.
A Silver medal certificate of participation.
A thank you letter from our team.
Gold Medal

The Gold medal is the top medal for participation the Biotech Association offers to its official members. Earning this medal means you have come a long way and have shown your commitment to biotechnology. Below are all the details of the requirements you need fulfill towards your path to receiving the Gold medal and what it comes with.
Earning a Gold Medal
Register as member by filling out our membership registration form.
Attend at least 3 meeting to become an official member.
Attend a minimum of 10 meetings and make sure to fill out the Attendance Form that is given towards the end of each meeting.
What You Earn
A badge that indicates you are an official member.
A Gold medal certificate of participation.
A thank you letter from our team.
A formal letter of gratitude written from our advisor.